PTL is hosting this event to raise money to add on to our playground. The proposed playground equipment chosen by Concordia staff comes with a hefty price tag of more than $165,000.
Why is this relevant to you? A lot of you have directly benefited from the AMAZING Concordia Lutheran School experience, including the playground. Our current playground was built in the early 2000’s and is ready for a facelift. Down time and recess are critical for child development, and recent research states that
“Unstructured playtime like recess is shown to relieve stress, which can a have negative impact on both learning and health. Through typical recess games, children are able to role play and practice skills including negotiation, cooperation, sharing, and problem solving. They can also practice coping skills, such as perseverance and self-control. Recess provides the right balance of supervision and freedom to allow children to learn these skills, which will be highly beneficial to them for the rest of their lives."
With your help, this dream can become a reality!